Delete and ripping files permanently from your computer ( memory card, camera ..) so they can't be restored later ..File Shredder

You may have heard previously about ways to retrieve files after you delete them from your hard drive, and there are several programs easy to use for anyone to restore deleted files.
Delete and ripping  files permanently from your computer ( memory card, camera ..) so they can't be restored later ..File Shredder

If you have files you want to delete them permanently and completely so they can not be recovered from a later, regardless of the type (images, video, documents ...), there are several programs that can help you.

One of these programs is "File Shredder" a free software and easy to use.

Download it from here, and then follow-up below steps to explain how its work.
Delete and ripping  files permanently from your computer ( memory card, camera ..) so they can't be restored later ..File Shredder

After downloading and installing the program. 
You can add files or folders by Drag & Drop 

And you can use the menu on the left side as follows: 
Add File 
Add folder 
Remove Selected
Remove All

Then click on "Shred Files Now"

you can visit File Shredder website by clicking here 
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