How to Change account type To Admin Account In Windows 10

When you set up Windows, you were required to create a user account. This account is an administrator account that allows you to set up your computer and install any apps you'd like to to use. Once you add an account on your computer in Windows, it's going to be a standard user account by default.

To change the account type of users to become whether a standard user or administrator in Windows 10, Make sure you’ve already added the account you intend to assign admin rights to.

From start menu go to settings
On the main settings screen, click the "System" options.
How to Change account type To Admin Account In Windows 10

Under the "Family & other users" section, scroll down to the "Other users" section where the accounts you’ve will be listed. Click the account you want to change the type of and click "Change account type".
How to Change account type To Admin Account In Windows 10

In the next screen, choose "Administrator" from drop-down menu under Account type. Click Ok to apply changes.
How to Change account type To Admin Account In Windows 10

Obviously, you have to be an administrator yourself to make this change. In case you don’t see this option, it’s likely you aren’t the administrator.
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